Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash
I’m going to keep it short and sweet for everyone today. Not because I don’t enjoy writing and informing everyone about what’s going on in our industry; rather it’s because I came out to our corporate office in New Jersey this week, overbooked myself and for some reason thought there were more than 24 hours in a day… odd right? Honestly, it’s more common than you think, and the American Psychological Association has been studying the harmful effects that over-committing has on your body. According to the study over-committing can lead to stress which can lead to sleep problems, poor eating habits, depression and even diabetes (obviously, the poor eating habits, no sleep etc., would lead to diabetes… but hey it’s in the study so I’ll quote it).
It’s funny because I think our industry is propped up on over-committing. I’m sure we can all agree that our days are full of meetings to discuss meetings, meetings to discuss training, meetings for people to sell you, meetings for you to sell, MI Reps, AMC’s, Account Executives, Corporate Recruiters, Tech Recruiters, Sales Recruiters… I think you get the picture. How are you supposed to get anything done?! At the end of the day we must produce loans, right?
It seems that the key to unlocking our over-committed-selves is a lot easier than we think…. It’s saying the word NO. Now, I know this must be weird coming from a sales guy, but it’s the truth. Learn to say the word no and focus on what’s going to help move yourself or your company forward. Sales guys… like myself… appreciate being told no. “You know Matt… thanks, but no.” It brings an ending to things. Rather, than being strung along with email after email… sales-people would much rather hear the word… NO. Now, whether we listen to it or not is a different story!
Oh, there is some stuff going on in the industry:
The government is open, but only for 2 weeks (maybe).
Mulvaney had a leaked letter that said all the things we already knew about his feelings toward the CFPB.
Rates are up, but so are applications.
It’s hard to service loans… but it’ll be even harder now that PA is requiring servicers to have a licensure to service loans.
I could go on and on, but I’ll save you. Our industry seems to never sleep… hey maybe that’s why we’re over-committed, sleep deprived and have poor eating habits? Our industry doesn’t allow for it. Someone told me on my trip this week… as humans we have simple needs… air, food, water and of course money. We’re in the money business and that business never sleeps… so neither can you.
The opinions expressed in this post are the sole view of the writer and do not reflect the opinion of Princeton Mortgage Corporation.